
MEP Greed - cash from Qatargate to pay for an apartment in Brussels.

The lucrative side opportunities for those working in the EU Parliament and the involvement of the facilitators holding EU official positions are illustrated by the case around Eva Kaili, based on a trove of documents and phone message exchanges. EIC leaves no bag-of-cash unturned and reveals how a hidden campaign on behalf of Qatar has been led from the heart of the EU, involving top officials of both the @EU_Commission and the @Europarl_EN. A year after, these institutions changed nothing that could really prevent such a case to happen again.


The team


Le Soir (Louis Colart, Joël Matriche)



Louis Colart and Joël Matriche (Le Soir), Mark Eeckhaut (De Standaard), Markus Becker, Rafael Buschmann and Nicola Naber (Der Spiegel), Yann Philippin (Mediapart), Ioanna Louloudi, Nikolas Leontopoulos, Thodoris Chondrogiannos, Christoforos Kasdaglis and Konstantina Maltepioti (Reporters United), Stefano Vergine (Domani), Begona Ramirez (infoLibre), Carl Emil Arnfred (Politiken), Natalia M. (EIC).

Project Design & Guide

Stefan Candea