How a Swiss company spied across Europe on behalf of the UAE state.
Abu Dhabi Secrets reveals how the Swiss private intelligence company Alp Services has been contracted by the UAE government to spy on citizens of 18 countries in Europe and beyond. Alp Services has sent to the UAE intelligence services the names of more than 1000 individuals and 400 organizations in 18 European countries, labelling them as part of the Muslim Brotherhood network in Europe.
Mediapart (Yann Philippin).
Yann Philippin (Mediapart), Antoine Harari Clément Fayol (, Kasper Goethals and Nikolas Vanhecke (De Standaard), Marc Menichini(Radio Television Suisse), Micael Pereira (Expresso), Stefano Vergine (Domani), Louis Coulart (Le Soir), Wilmer Heck and Andreas Kouwenhoven (NRC), Muriel Kalisch, Monika Bolliger, Rafael Buschmann, Nicola Naber, Sven Becker (DER SPIEGEL), Begona Ramirez (infoLibre), Morten Skjoldager (Politiken), Hazem Al-Amin and Ammar Al-Mamoun (Daraj), Natalia M. (EIC).
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Stefan Candea
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