A deep dive into how Wagner mercenaries are taking over the diamonds of Central African Republic.
After we exposed Bois Rouge as a vehicle of the Wagner group grabbing the exotic timber of CAR in exchange of mercenaries, we looked closer at a company established at exactly the same time: Diamville.
The research has unraveled a unique construct that overlaps Wagner military, Prigozhin commercial operations, diamond mining, looting and exporting - all in the shadows of a single entity. Investigating DiamVille reveals how Russian mercenaries are looting & exporting Centrafrican diamonds to Europe via Belgium, while marketing per Facebook to a global clientele.
The investigation was done in collaboration with All Eyes on Wagner and The Dossier Center.
Radio Television Suisse (Dimitri Zufferey), Mediapart (Justine Brabant) and OpenFacto (Team All Eyes on Wagner).
Team All Eyes on Wagner, Justine Brabant (Mediapart), Kasper Goethals and Nikolas Vanhecke (De Standaard), Dimitri Zufferey (Radio Television Suisse), Micael Pereira (Expresso), Stefano Vergine (Il Fatto Quotidiano), Alain Jennotte (Le Soir), Nicola Naber, Rafael Buschmann (DER SPIEGEL), Begona Ramirez (infoLibre), Natalia M. (EIC).
Project Design & Guide
Stefan Candea
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